About Us

The success of cardiac surgery in childhood has produced a large population of adults with congenital heart disease. These adults present a unique challenge for the cardiology community. With more than 30 different forms of congenital heart disease, it can be difficult for adult patients to find cardiologists familiar with their particular anatomy and problems. At the Columbia University Irving Medical Center, highly specialized care of adults with congenital heart disease has been a long-standing tradition.
Our Adult Congenital Heart Disease Program began in 1987 with the appointment of Marlon S. Rosenbaum, MD and it remains one of the largest and oldest in the United States. At Columbia's Schneeweiss Adult Congenital Heart Center, multidisciplinary care is provided that addresses all of the needs of our adult congenital heart disease patients. Our cardiac program includes physicians specifically trained in adult congenital heart disease with expertise in echocardiography, interventional cardiac catheterization, interventional electrophysiology, pulmonary hypertension, complex congenital heart surgery, and cardiac transplantation. Related care by specialists in high-risk pregnancy, genetics, fetal echocardiography, gastrointestinal and liver disease, pulmonary, and hematology is readily available.
In addition to comprehensive patient care, our program provides fellowship training in adult congenital heart disease and has ongoing research projects aimed at improving outcomes for adults with congenital heart disease.